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To start the Net.Net™application, connect the Web through a dial-up connection or through a dedicated line. Open the Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0/7.0 and above. In the browser, enter the URL provided by the Broker and press Enter. The Home page of the Net.Net™ is displayed.     

This topic provides reference about:

System Requirements

  1. Screen Resolution: Best Viewed in Resolution higher than 1024 x 768.

  2. Windows XP and above or MAC OS Leopard and above.

  3. Mozilla Firefox 3.6.8 or above, Safari Browser, Google Chrome 10 or above, Internet Explorer 7.0 or above.

  4. 2 GB RAM.

  5. Core 2 processor or above.

  6. Silverlight Plug-In 4 or above.

Login Net.Net™ System

  1. Invoke the browser (Internet Explorer 7.0 or above).

  2. In the browser, enter the URL provided by the Broker.

  3. Press Enter. The Net.Net™ Login page is displayed.

  4. In Login page, Enter User Id.

  5. Enter Password.

  1. Select the Application Mode as Lite or Streaming. Lite is refresh based, whereas streaming provides streaming quotes.
  1. Click Login. On successful authentication, the Net.Net™ main page is displayed.

For security reasons, three consecutive unsuccessful attempts lock the respective User Id.

The password needs minimum one alphabet and at least one numeric digit.

If you check the Remember Me check box, User ID is securely saved on your computer so you don't have to type it each time you log on. You will have to remember your password as the computer only saves the User ID.


Net.Net™ facilitates change of password using the Change Password option.

Change Logon Password

  1. In Login page, Enter User Id.

  2. Enter old Password.

  3. Enter New Password.

  4. Enter new password again in Confirm Password field.

  1. Click Ok.


Forgot Password

Forgot Password? follow the procedure given below:

  1. In Login page, click Forgot Password link. The Forgot Password page is displayed.

  2. Enter User Id.

  3. Enter Email ID.

  4. Click Submit. The details are further send to administrator for resetting of password.

The password will be provided instantly through Email or SMS as per the mode defined by the member.


Trouble in Logging the Application

If you have trouble in logging the application, click on the Login FAQ link. The Login FAQ page is displayed. Follow the steps given in the page to remove the bugs in order to access the Net.Net™ application. Still if the problem persists, contact administrator.
