
Symbol Lookup                                                     

Symbol Lookup provides selecting various securities from the available list.

Symbol Lookup

  1. Select a Security from the Symbol List:

  2. In the Market Watch, click  (lookupicon.gif). The Look Up field is enabled.

  3. Select an Exchange.

  4. Select an Instrument Type. If only one Instrument is available for an Exchange, the available Instrument Type is applied as default.

The Expiry Date, Strike Price, Option Type display NA, if respective values are unavailable.

  1. Type Symbol. Typing minimum first three characters of the security name populates the list with all securities beginning with the given three characters. For example, FIN. It displays a list of securities whose name begins with FIN. Select a security from the list.

  1. Click Add add.gif. All the scrips or contracts for that particular instrument type and symbol are displayed in Market Watch.
