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Net Position                                                       

Net position tracks complete position details for various market segments. It also allows viewing position details, squaring off  positions and converting positions from one product type to another product type.

This topic provides reference about:

View  Net Position Details

  1. Click Trading à Net Position menu. Alternatively, press Alt +F6. The Net Position page is displayed with following details:


     Buy Quantity



     Expiry Date

     Strike Price  

    Option Type

     Product Type


    Sell Quantity

     Last Traded Price

     Square Off  


     Buy Value

     Average Buy Price




  1. Select Position as Daily or Expiry.

  2. Select Product Type as Margin, Delivery, AMO Margin, AMO Delivery, MTF, PTST, Margin Plus.

  3. Click Submit. Based on the selected conditions Net Position page is displayed.

  4. Click Refresh, to refresh the net position details in the Net Position page.

Square off the Outstanding Position of a Security

  1. The Net Position page is displayed with following details on Clicking Trading à Net Position menu or by pressing Alt +F6 key.

  2. Click the Square Off link to square off the open position in the market for that particular trading day. Notice that the focus changes to the price field in the Order Entry pane. You need to type in the quantity and price to submit the order.

  3. Accordingly, the Net position is squared-off.

For Buy positions, sell order entry pane will be displayed; and for Sell positions buy order entry pane will be displayed.

To arrange the column data in ascending or descending order, click the respective column heading.

To customize Net Position book, refer Column profile.

Tip: When you position the cursor over the Square Off link, a tool tip is displayed. This indicates the square off option.


Convert Position from Margin to Delivery

  1. Click Trading à Net Position. The Net Position page is displayed with details of the executed transactions.

  2. Select Position.

  3. Select Product Type as Delivery.

  4. Click Quantity, to convert position. The Position Conversion page is displayed.

  5. Type Quantity.

  6. Click Submit. On authentication, the position is converted from Buy/Sell Margin to Buy/Sell Delivery.

  7. If required, click Clear to clear the details.

Tip: When you position the cursor over the Quantity link, a tool tip is displayed. This indicates the convert position option.

Convert Position from Delivery to Margin

  1. Click Trading à Net Position. Alternatively, press Alt +F6. The Net Position page is displayed with details of the executed transactions.

  2. Select Position.

  3. Select Product Type as Margin.

  4. Click Quantity, to convert position. The Position Conversion page is displayed.

  5. Type Quantity.

  6. Click Submit. On authentication, the position is converted from Buy/Sell Delivery to Buy/Sell Margin.

  7. If required, click Clear to clear the details.

Tip: When you position the cursor over the Quantity link, a tool tip is displayed. This indicates the convert position option.


Convert Position from PTST to Delivery

  1. Click Trading à Net Position. The Net Position page is displayed with details of the executed transactions.

  2. Select Position.

  3. Select Product Type as Delivery.

  4. Click Quantity, to convert position. The Position Conversion page is displayed.

  5. Type Quantity.

  6. Click Submit. On authentication, the position is converted from Buy/Sell PTST to Buy/Sell Delivery.

  7. If required, click Clear to clear the details.

Tip: When you position the cursor over the Quantity link, a tool tip is displayed. This indicates the convert position option.

