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Commodity Derivatives                                                     

Symbol Lookup provides selecting various securities from the available list for Commodity Derivatives segment.

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Commodity Derivatives Symbol Lookup

Select a Security from the Symbol List:

  1. From the Main Menu screen, select Symbol Lookup.

  2. Select Commodity Derivatives. The Symbol Lookup screen is displayed.

  3. Select an Exchange (MCX, NCDEX, NSEL, NMCE).

  4. Select an Instrument Type (FUTCOM or SPOT or SPTCOM or COM).

  5. Enter Symbol. Type in the first few letters/initials of the security. For example, type GOLD and select Submit. It displays a list of securities whose name begins with GOLD. Each screen displays up to 10 securities. If the list of securities generates more than one screen, then you can scroll through multiple screens by selecting the screen number.

  6. Enter Code.

  7. Enter Expiry Date.

  8. Enter Company Desc.

  9. Click Go. The Symbol Look Up screen is displayed. All the scrips or contracts for that particular instrument type and symbol are displayed.

  1. To place Buy/Sell Order through Symbol look up feature. Select Buy/Sell (buysell.gif ) against the required Symbol in Scrip Description. The Order Entry screen is displayed. Refer Commodity Derivatives Place Order.

  2. To view Best Five information for a particular scrip, select the (B5) against the required Symbol in Scrip Description. The Best Five screen is displayed. Refer Best Five.

  3. To view Contract Information for a particular scrip, select () against the required Symbol in Scrip Description. The Contract Information screen is displayed. Refer Contract Information.
